Some Flow articles that have been updated
I'd like my blog to get better with time. In working towards that goal, I've been updating old articles when I can. Most of the time it's to add more video examples. Other times it's to discuss a point I hadn't included at first.
I'm always happy to hear feedback from readers. If you find a clip that would work well in one of my older articles, send it to me. I'll update the article and give you credit. If a post of mine makes an argument you don't agree with, let me know—and if you have a good point, I'll fix what I wrote (as I did in More on "usage rates").
If you find a broken link in one of my old posts, let me know and I'll try to get it fixed. It makes me sad that a lot of great old Ultiworld articles (like this one I mentioned in a recent post) have video clips that don't work anymore. I'd like to make sure the same thing doesn't happen to my posts.
A few final notes:
Articles where I fixed minor typos aren't included here.
The Guide to Some Flow page is regularly updated to link new posts.
I’ll continue to update this page when I update other articles in the future.
Here are the articles that have been updated since posting:
Updated Walking before cutting to add another video clip.
Updated Notice when your defender isn't noticing you to include a Sean Mott deep cut in 2022 US club nationals.
Updated Notice when you're open to include an example where Dena Elimelech makes the right play when left open.
Updated Take the free yards to add another video clip of Sean Mott in 2022 nationals.
Updated Accelerate as fast as you possibly can to point out an Understanding Ultimate article made many of the same points.
Updated First run. Then catch shortly after posting it to add a clip of American football receivers working on a similar skill.
Updated Cut before the thrower catches it to point out a video of Rise UP ultimate giving "bad" advice. ("Wait until your handler gets into a power position")
Updated Cut before the thrower catches it to include a link to a Jack Williams video where he discusses timing cuts.
Updated My Rhode Island 2023 special election ballot the day after posting, just to add a link to a post on Reddit.
Updated Stop-and-Go with two more video examples.
Updated You, too, can look off defenders with another video example.
Updated Sports science findings you should know with a new section about cramping (inspired by some discussion on Reddit).
Updated Sports science findings you should know with a new section about lactic acid.
Updated Steal my (frisbee) ideas! with a few new sections and updates to old sections — see the note at the bottom of the article for details.
Updated The box-out dump cut to link to a few older sources that made a somewhat similar point.
Updated Forehand: wrist, grip, and wobble to link two disc golf-related YouTube videos that make a similar point about how you can generate more power by rotating your wrist the right way.
Updated My summer league zone defense to link a Thinking Basketball YouTube video that discusses a similar idea and was something of a forgotten inspiration for my post.
Updated Defender on the ground? Give up the disc! (shortly after posting) to include a link to the relevant Hive Ultimate video.
Updated Pretending to call for the disc to link to a Jack Williams video where he talks about timing his fake "before the thrower is fully committed" to make sure they don't miscommunicate.
Updated Being competitive includes your emotions to point out how similar it and another article of mine are to Understanding Ultimate's Stop playing badly!.
Updated Steal my (frisbee) ideas! with a section about making sure my content isn't vulnerable to videos being deleted from YouTube.
Updated Notice when you're open with two more clips, both from Hive Ultimate videos.
Updated Ultimate and basketball with a few more connections between the sports, see the bottom of the article.
Updated How valuable is one ultimate frisbee player? to link to a follow-up article, More on "usage rates", which fixes some errors in my original discussion.
Updated "How do I improve my field sense?" to add a suggestion from the comments about seeking out frisbee communities where using your brain is encouraged.
Updated Pretending to call for the disc to add a clip of Alex Davis tricking his defender by saying "I'm around, I'm around" and then immediately cutting deep.
Updated The ultimate frisbee Substack community to add a link to Fiona's blog TOP Therapy.
Updated Notice when your defender isn't noticing you to add an example of Anne Worth responding quickly to her defender's head turn.
Updated Turnover analysis has its limits to point out an example of how the "cause" of a turnover can be difficult to find (the example comes from a later article, Don't lose more yards than necessary on break throws).
Updated Notice when you're open, Take the free yards, and Notice when your defender isn't noticing you to fix broken video links.
Updated Mental games to build your field sense to add a couple more ideas.