The "frisbee internet"
A resource to help you find that thing you're looking for
I've always thought it would be cool to put together some sort of overview of the "frisbee internet". I've already put together a list of Ultimate-related podcasts and Ultimate-related Substacks. On this page are some other corners of the frisbee internet. I hope it can be helpful in some way, whether it's to find some long-dead blog from the early 2000s or to find a site to get a jersey made.
Much of the frisbee internet nowadays happens on Twitter or Instagram. Unfortunately, I'm not currently on either of those sites, so I won't be including any Twitter or Instagram accounts here.
I think of this page as a rough draft; I look forward to both adding more sites to it and finding better ways to present the information in this post. If you know of more sites I should add to this page, please get in touch! (Email address is on the About page)
Before scrolling, please enjoy this funny (I think) flowchart I found on a long-defunct blog:
Ultiworld — News, streaming games, analysis, podcasts, etc. Probably the "sun" of the frisbee solar system.
Frisbee Rankings — Algorithmic power rankings for USA college & club teams (unofficial), updated during the season.
(See also USAU’s official Club Rankings and College Rankings. For Europe, see
Ultimate United — Content aggregator from a number of sources
Ultiverse — Search for US players/teams/tournaments
ultirzr — Similar to Ultiverse - find players, teams, etc.
Pickup Ultimate — Find pickup games across the world.
SKYD Magazine — I thought it was dead but there are some posts from 2023/2024.
Alt Fantasy Sports — Play fantasy ultimate frisbee online (for the UFA) — A fantasy frisbee game for Nationals
Ultimate players with Wikipedia pages — Official site for the Callahan award.
Draw plays, edit/clip videos
Inside Break — Watch/analyze film
Playspedia — diagram plays/create playbooks.
Clip2Coach — Video clipping/editing/diagramming software
Message boards/communities
r/ultimate And a few other much smaller subreddits, like: (The original message board is now nothing but spam; but someone created rsdnospam which is available on archive)
The Ultimate Community (Started by Eric Deng)
r/ultimate Discord
better everyday coaching Discord
[I assume there are many more ultimate discord channels. But I am not a big user of Discord. If you have more to share, please let me know.]
Ultimate Hall of Fame — Ultimate frisbee's Hall of Fame.
Flying Disc Museum — A museuem of flying discs.
Ultimate History — History of Ultimate in the US. (Especially of note, in my opinion, is their Team All-Time Rankings.) Since superseded by
URules — WFDF rules presented in a more user-friendly format.
WFDF’s flow charts are useful
Tournament Calendars/Find a tournament (quick link to results pages at:
Pro Leagues
Watch Games — Non-YouTube — livestreamed games — Paid streaming service for UFA games.
Paid Ultiworld subscriptions to access their video library and livestreamed games
European Ultimate Federation video page
List of ultimate documentaries
Watch Games — YouTube
World Flying Disc Federation YouTube
UltiVillage — (archived website here)
Maine Ultimate — Livestreams of Maine-based tournaments (Lobster Pot, Vacationland)
Off-Season Ultimate — Ultimate in India
All-14 Ultimate Films — Drone footage, mostly Pennsylvania based.
Flatball Club — Drone footage.
YouTube — "Early" Content Creators
People who were making frisbee videos before "being a YouTuber" was a thing.
Brodie Smith (YouTube)
Ultimate 101 (YouTube, website)
Frisbee Rob (YouTube, website)
YouTube — current analysis/content creators
Chris Chan — Known for first-person gameplay videos
Nathan Kolakovic — High quality highlight videos
High Quality Banter — Highlight/recap videos of individual games
Layout Ultimate — college recaps
Charles Cleary (“unchuckable”) — Mostly highlight videos, especially North East US teams
Advanced Ultimate Coaching (Connor McHale)
Christian Flores — Mostly highlights, especially Canada and international competitions
Garrett Bush — Western US?
emf — Random highlights / goofy, meme-y videos
BE Ultimate — Especially notable for their Mic’d Up series
YouTube — various
[Random stuff. Some of them are here mostly b/c they’re listed in the r/ultimate header resources]
NGN Ultimate — 2011/2012 NexGen Tour (+ some other random classic games)
Akshat Rajan — Games/highlights. Especially New Jersey & usually filmed from the sideline
Paid Services
Excel Ultimate (Rowan McDonnell)
JE Throwing (Jamie Eriksson)
Hive Ultimate (Also has some free content on their site and their YouTube)
Frisbee Throws (Ryan Lowe)
RISE UP Ultimate (Mario O'Brien, Ben Wiggins)
Charlie Hoppes Ultimate Coaching & Consulting
Paid Services — Training
Gamepoint Performance (Also have produced some highlight videos)
Breakside Strength (Started by Ultiworld founder Charlie Eisenhood. Website seems to be dead but I never saw any news about them closing down)
Smiles Take You Miles, Brian Nevison
InForm Ultimate — Michael Reeves
Buy Stuff — Jerseys/clothes
(Thanks to this thread for adding a few more)
VC Ultimate (and their European subsidiary Lookfly)
Zue (possibly their website? here's their Instagram)
Force Ultimate (Mainly Europe)
Buy Stuff — Other
(Pro leagues also have shops on their websites, see above)
Local disc organizations
USA Ultimate has; I’m not sure whether it’s comprehensive/up-to-date. I won't try to list every local disc organization but here are a few that are especially notable or that I happened to come across recently: (Boston) (New York City) (Seattle) (Los Angeles)
Valley Ultimate (Connecticut River Valley, Western Mass) (British Columbia)
Team Websites
Drag’n Thrust (They have a notable values page)
Most of the ultimate frisbee-related blogs and other sites I've ever managed to come across. I inconsistently marked down what years they were active. (Wow, there were a lot of blogs back in 2005-2012 or so.)
parinella's blog (Jim Parinella)
Joe Mama Ultimate (Joe Marmerstein)
Schwaming Cancer (Elana Schwam)
Understanding Ultimate (Benji Haywood)
The Flip (Some stats-heavy posts about ultimate. 2017-2018)
Katfish Corner (Tim Kefalas)
Win the Fields (Lou Burruss, also see here)
Zip's Tips (Josh Ziperstein)
The Huddle — (Also available here)
Tayara Romero Peña — Graphic Designer and video producer
Digital version of USA Ultimate publications (including defunct USAU Magazine)
Jack Verzuh on Medium (only one post)
High release (An online magazine? Appears it only ever had 3 issues)
Thanks to this Reddit comment for helping me add the following links:
Leonardo's Not-So Clever Ultimate Blog
Process of Illumination (Brandon Malecek (and others?))
you didn't hear it from me, but... (Kenny Dobyns)
Thanks to the Bagel Fodder Ultimate sidebar for the following additions:
Illinois Women's Ultimate (2008-2016)
MIT Ultimate (2008-2010)
The Eternal Battle of Love and Hate (2008-2010)
Lion-Shark: An Ultimate Blog (2008-2010, ISU Men's Ultimate)
Finger on the Pulse (2007-2008)
Inside College Ultimate (2005-2008) (they also had a website,, archive here)
Movin' On Up (2009-2010)
U Catch (2009-2009?)
Ultimate Book Discussion (2005-2005?)
zazblog (Eric Zaslow) (2005-2011)
Focus Ultimate (Ultimate news in French)
Blogs/sites — archived
Blogs/sites that can now only be accessed through
FrisbeeSpew (Idris Nolan) (Note that the site itself went defunct, then was back online for a while as an unrelated Christmas card website, and is now offline again)
Get Horizontal (also here)
Bama Secs (but still available in some form on their original wordpress site) (His website still exists, but this link no longer works)
Jeremy Weiss (only two ulti-related posts?)
Matt Mackey ( / )
Lefty BROhand (2010 - 2010?) (Ian Toner!?)
Michael Liu (2007-2014)
There were a few sites I came across in sidebars of other ultimate sites that I couldn't even successfully find an archived version. They include: Legion of Ballers ... ...
When I was getting close to done with this project, I discovered once put together a similar resource page. It's very old, and I'm feeling too lazy to copy all the sources I didn't already have listed here, so I'll just link you to it: click here.
(Definitely not a complete list. I'll add more later...)
WithoutLimitsUltimate (and their blog)
Elevate Ultimate (Vancouver)
All Girl Everything (Seattle)
NexGen Network (2011-2012)
EuroStars (2019)
All Star Ultimate Tour (2016)
2024 college nationals stats dashboard
Inverted Pivot — Talked about on Pod Practice — A website for some USAU-sponsored marketing push/hashtag? — A sort of Ultiverse-type thing (view tournaments, etc), but doesn’t seem to be fully finished. — Website for an ultimate frisbee tabletop game
yukikongju/audl — Unofficial Python API for AUDL data (not sure if up-to-date)
USA Goaltimate (and rules and YouTube channel)
Ultiworld has a few Goaltimate Nationals games on their YouTube page. Other than that, Hawaii Goaltimate has a number of streamed local games.
I've been looking for a good way to take stats for five years now, many thanks to you
another for "Local disc orgs": (Connecticut River Valley, Western Mass)