I want to leave a well constructed comment, but I don't have much to say other than I totally agree with all that is said here

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Thank you!

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I would even argue that the rule set (with the travel rule modification) made this style even more lethal from 2021 and onwards. Dribbling should indeed be taught as soon as its core tactics are mastered.

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I assume you're talking about the rule that Hive Ultimate made a video about semi-recently? I'm in the US (that rule was WFDF-only, right?) so I haven't noticed that change directly, but your thinking makes sense.

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I’m convinced! Do you have thoughts about what’s better between a single player dribbling between all players on the field, two players give going or three players give going (dominator)? Or hex (you might not want to open that can of worms)? Not that a team can’t use all of these but I’m a coach and trying to decide what to prioritize.

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Good question... I have a generally positive opinion of Hex. But I think you could have "more players looking to give-and-go/dribble" without necessarily doing Hex.

I definitely worry that a single player dribbling feels a little too ball-hoggy. Dominator has the same problem but with slightly more people involved.

I think in my head I'm imagining something like what Manu does, except any time it gets stopped *any* player with the disc is able to start dribbling.

The team I coach doesn't have a ton of practice time together, so mostly I just encourage them to use/experiment with lots of give-and-gos without getting too detailed about how exactly that works.

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