Really appreciate you getting to all my possible rebuttals, I think you make a really strong case. Possibly helpful to put the 'but I want to rest' and 'but we just turn it over because we don't practice or a non-handler picks it up' higher up in the article? I love your answers to those two concerns (which were top of mind for me). I'm excited to start practicing fast breaks and expecting it in games.
Thanks! Would love to hear how it goes for you, someday in the future once you've gotten some experience with fast breaking...
I don't think I'm gonna reorder it for now, but that's just because I'm lazy and not because I disagree with you that a different layout could be better :)
Every player having the confidence and support to pick up the disc is huge especially in teams of mixed ability. On top of this it forces the defence to play 'looser' on fast break which in turn makes playing a fast break easier. Will share this with any fast break naysayers in future for sure. Thanks for writing
Yeah for sure, that's a good point. I actually have a draft post specifically about the "everyone should pick up the disc" concept, which I'll be some point...
Really appreciate you getting to all my possible rebuttals, I think you make a really strong case. Possibly helpful to put the 'but I want to rest' and 'but we just turn it over because we don't practice or a non-handler picks it up' higher up in the article? I love your answers to those two concerns (which were top of mind for me). I'm excited to start practicing fast breaks and expecting it in games.
Thanks! Would love to hear how it goes for you, someday in the future once you've gotten some experience with fast breaking...
I don't think I'm gonna reorder it for now, but that's just because I'm lazy and not because I disagree with you that a different layout could be better :)
Every player having the confidence and support to pick up the disc is huge especially in teams of mixed ability. On top of this it forces the defence to play 'looser' on fast break which in turn makes playing a fast break easier. Will share this with any fast break naysayers in future for sure. Thanks for writing
Yeah for sure, that's a good point. I actually have a draft post specifically about the "everyone should pick up the disc" concept, which I'll be some point...
Haha so do I 😁