Great conversation….what I notice about Valeria and Jimmy, Valeria slightly more….is they both rotate their arm at release. In fact Valeria’s release brings her shoulder toward her head. Seems like a bunch of power is generated at that exact moment of release. The palm up idea may be helpful to new throwers who are not angling the disc down and away enough thus creating roll over. I’m imagining there are so many subtle nuances that create the throws Jimmy and Valeria have. The grip, amount of spin, angle, etc. it’s difficult to single out one attribute as their brains are taking in so much info and they have thrown the disc so many times and….they still miss the mark on occasion. Miles Montgomery Butler had one of the greatest flick hucks into a strong wind during Slow Whites win in …2016? It traveled down the field on a dime for 60 + yards. Great mechanics! Also, look at how both throwers are engaging a super strong core! Idk…so much we do not see that allows a person like V or J to flick huck 70 yds! High level athletic body and brain combined.

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Great conversation….what I notice about Valeria and Jimmy, Valeria slightly more….is they both rotate their arm at release. In fact Valeria’s release brings her shoulder toward her head. Seems like a bunch of power is generated at that exact moment of release. The palm up idea may be helpful to new throwers who are not angling the disc down and away enough thus creating roll over. I’m imagining there are so many subtle nuances that create the throws Jimmy and Valeria have. The grip, amount of spin, angle, etc. it’s difficult to single out one attribute as their brains are taking in so much info and they have thrown the disc so many times and….they still miss the mark on occasion. Miles Montgomery Butler had one of the greatest flick hucks into a strong wind during Slow Whites win in …2016? It traveled down the field on a dime for 60 + yards. Great mechanics!

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