Hey, thanks for yet another very interesting article. I have a question, but I don't know where to ask it do I'm writing under one of the more recent posts. How would you divide cutters, taking into account their role. I've noticed that many players consider themselves to be "Deep Receiver" or more of a "Under Cutter". Is this kind of thinking about roles useful? Does specialisation allow cutters to find a role that suits them the best? Are there any other subdivisions of roles? I have found surprisingly little information about this topic do far (I'm fairly inexperienced player/coach) Could you elaborate a bit on that or point out any sources of inforamtion?

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Hey, thanks for getting in touch.

Personally, I'm biased towards "positionless" frisbee. If a player has one skill they're good at and one skill they're weak at, a good defense is going to force them to use their weak skill. So the only long term solution is to be good enough at multiple things.

But of course players will tend to prefer the skill they're best at, and that's fine.

You could compare it to "total football" in soccer (though I don't follow soccer closely) or the way basketball has become more positionless—it's not good enough anymore to just be tall, even most centers need to be able to shoot 3s.

So overall, I'd certainly encourage players to know what their best skills are—but also to work on building the weaker skills that are outside of their "core role".

Hope that's at least a little bit helpful! I am probably not the person to ask if you're looking for a very pro-roles opinion. I'm not aware of any other sources that have specifically discussed this topic, though that doesn't mean they're not out there, just that I haven't seen them.

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Love this whole article. Thanks so much for the detailed video on on-field communication, those are such great moments you observed and captured in slo-mo such that they become teachable (or at least legible!).

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Thanks! To be clear, that is a Hive video, I didn't put it together myself—I'm just linking it!

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